Dear Felix
I would like to thank you for your order of [PRODUCT (S), ex. 4 Magna flux compressors].
Unfortunately, however, we no longer carry the [PRODUCT, ex. Magna flux compressor] because we believe it does not provide our customers sufficient value for its price. We base this decision on [REASON (S), ex. customer complaints and its history of breakdown.]
Instead, we carry [PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE, INCLUDING ITS FEATURES AND PRICE ex. the new Flux Metric compressor, which features double the capacity of the Magna flux. At $1,260, the Flux Metric is well worth the extra $60 in price as it is designed to last longer without the regular and costly maintenance bills associated with the Magna flux.] {I have taken the liberty of enclosing [ENCLOSURES, ex. a brochure of the new Flux Metric compressor, including schematics and customer testimonials].}
Allow me to apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you. I am ready, however, to upgrade your order immediately to the [ALTERNATIVE PRODUCT, ex. Flux Metric] at your request. You may reach me at XXX-XX-XX.