Rajan Sharma
956/6, Gandhi Nagar,
Delhi – 110011
(+91-11) 456 789
A challenging position which effectively utilizes professional experience, analytical skills, and commitment to success.
1988 to BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD. Boston. Massachusetts Present
Actuarial Analyst
Set rates, determine liabilities, and prepare forecasts for largest health insurance company in Massachusetts.
Calculate and document HMO rates and rates for new benefits.
Analyze underwriting results, payment experience, and enrollment statistics for upper management.
Compile accurate statistical information and reports,
Compute monthly unpaid claim liabilities and retrospective refund liabilities for corporations.
Liaison between State Division of Insurance and Actuarial Department for State audit. Report directly to principal auditor.
Project Leader for setup of automated completion factor programs.
Utilize computerized system to access necessary information.
1985 to JAYSON ASSOCIATES. Stoneham, Massachusetts 1988
Computer Operator
Operated IBM 360 Computer to run variety of jobs for wholesale medical supply distributor.
QUINCY JUNIOR COLLEGE, Quincy, Massachusetts
Associates Degree in Business Administration (1988)
Knowledge of IBM-based systems.
Software includes: Lotus 1-2-3, Multimate. dBase III Plus, FORTRAN, Pascal.
Boating, skiing, backgammon.