
Customer Relations-Product Demonstration-1

Dear Felix

In 1957, there was no such thing as disposable diapers. The landfill wasn’t on India’s guilty conscious. And the Diaper Duck took pride in washing and drying the linen diapers in your neighborhood.

In 2007, the Diaper Duck truck still makes the rounds. It’s the last of its kind.

• Diaper Duck saves you money. Plastic diapers can cost you as much as Rs.2000 monthly. The Diaper Duck charges only Rs.1000.

• Diaper Duck’s cloth diapers are Earth-friendly.

• Diaper Duck reduces household germs and the risk of diaper rash.

• Diaper Duck offers a free trial week!

Try our diaper service free of charge. You’ll be protecting your baby, the environment and your pocket book. Call today to set up a linen drop-off date (2824-2343). The Diaper Duck truck driver will bring your baby a free rubber ducky.


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