
Announcement of New Products And Services-9

Dear Felix

The Raviraj Group, a team of licensed skincare technicians, is pleased to tell you about a new holistic clinic, Morning Star, scheduled to open on August 5th.

Morning Star is a place you can come to relax and receive organic facials, body wraps, mud baths, as well as massage and acupuncture. Each of Raviraj’s highly qualified technicians brings a unique kind of know-how to Morning Star. Because we have such a solid staff, there’s not a single facial skin question we can’t answer, guaranteed.

If you’re troubled by acne or acne scars, we’ve got several holistic solutions proven to work better and more comprehensively than any prescription remedy.

Vitamin C cream is now available over-the-counter. Yes it’s true—we’ve created our own blend of the super-effective cream!

Our award-winning massage and acupuncture team has just returned from India with several obscure yet revolutionary ways to soften and soothe dry skin.

Detach the enclosed coupon to save 20% on your first journey to Morning Star.


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