Dear Felix
At the end of each fiscal year, [NAME OF FIRM] will review its financial performance for the year and set aside a pool of funds to be used for distributing staff bonuses. The amount of the bonus pool will vary from year to year depending upon the profitability of the firm and, at the discretion of the firm, there may be no bonus pool if circumstances do not warrant.
All full-time employed staff members of the firm (excluding lawyers and articling students) who have at least one (1) full year of continuous employment with the firm are eligible for consideration for a bonus. A staff member who is not employed by the firm at the time the bonus pool is established will not be eligible for a bonus.
Award Categories:
Three “performance†bonuses, in amounts established by the firm, will be awarded to the three eligible staff members demonstrating, in the firm’s view, the best overall performance for the year. The balance of the bonus pool will be distributed equally to all remaining eligible staff members.
For the purposes of determining the three staff members demonstrating the best overall performance for the year, the following factors will be considered, with an emphasis on those qualities which contribute to the firm as a whole:
Skills (speed, accuracy, organization)
Interpersonal Skills
Self-Improvement over previous year.