Dear Felix
We’re very excited that you’ve chosen Capital Vending to meet your vending machine needs. You can count on improved quality, service, and selection.
I want you to know that I personally will be involved with your account and stand ready to answer any questions or concerns you have as you begin your first week with us.
Below are a couple of helpful hints that I thought might make your vending machine a little more useful to your employees:
• In addition to your break room, consider other busy locations for your Capital vending machine. Copy and supply rooms are good spots. If you place your machines in the areas that employees must frequent, your staff will be able to spend less time going to the vending machine and more time on the job.
• Copy the attached survey and circulate it around your office to determine what products should be placed in the machines. Return it to me, and I will see to it that the machines are filled with products that will keep your staff happy.
If you have any questions, feel free to call me anytime (including at home over the holidays [555-8989]).