Dear Felix
It has come to our attention that your company is looking for a law firm to handle all your corporate and employee law issues.
Finding another attorney or firm to handle your law concerns is a very important task. Grover, Lawson, Nigam, and Sinha are a law firm that has been established in this city for more than 20 years. We currently employ more than 30 attorneys, 12 specializing in corporate law.
We would like the opportunity to meet with you and your board to present the benefits and services we can offer you as a client of Grover, Lawson, Nigam and Sinha. Enclosed is an informational packet providing a more detailed background of our firm. Included is a client list.
Please review this information at your convenience. We will contact you next week to schedule a time to meet. If you have any question in the meantime, please call us at (0819) 555-3928.