Dear Felix,
As owner of the downtown Bombay Urban Theater Company, I want to encourage you to support HB1158 to continue the funding of the Humanities Foundation. I am just one of the 120 theater owners in the state who benefit from the work the Humanities Foundation does—in fact, we couldn’t survive without it.
Despite the rhetoric I’ve heard from representatives Pradhan and Patil, the Humanities Foundation is not a radical organization interested in supporting explicit or tasteless displays of art. Our theater won a Bombay Theater Critics Best Performance Award this summer for our production of Sing Monkey Sing. We could not have put on the production, which entertained and educated over 30,000 locals, without a grant from the Humanities Foundation.
I appreciate your endorsement of the arts in Madhya Pradesh in past years. I hope, for the sake of my employees, my fellow theater owners, and the people of the state, we can count on your support again.