
Invitations- Extending invitation to Speak - 2

Dear Felix,

Just a brief note to ask if you would consider presenting a one-hour workshop on “How to Get Your Ideas Published” at our October 12 management meeting. Mahendra Sen heard you speak at the University of Hyderabad’s Southwest Writers Conference and said you gave at least two days’ worth of valuable information in your 30-minute slot.

Our audience, however, will be quite different from those attending that conference; they will be PR professionals who routinely publish trade journal articles. They’re hoping you can give them help in placing articles in popular magazines.

As always, we have a whopping big budget of Rs.3000. Would you give us a cheap thrill anyway? We need an answer by September 1. If you can’t accommodate us, we’ll have to go for second best. Thanks. I’ll be eager for a “yes.”


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