
Write a letter complaining against unhygienic surrounding of the School to the Health club.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am a school employee at (name of school) in (city/town). Since (date that problem began or you first began to notice problem) I have been experiencing (asthma, sore throats, nausea, runny nose). I am concerned that there is a condition in school that brought on this problem or is causing the problem to get worse. Specifically, I’ve noticed (state unhygenic condition) around school. (Explain what you saw that you think could have affected your health, for example: toxic fumes, dust, mold, etc.) and that made me concerned about health of my students.

I believe that this problem is in violation of (law), therefore, I would like to know as what steps can be taken to remedy this situation. In case you have any queries, kindly call me at (phone no.) or write me at the above address.

Thank you for your time and help.


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