
Lead to Phone Call/Appointment-Lead-in to Appointment-9

Dear Felix

In this competitive market, business travelers need the capability to complete business transactions from almost any location. You never know when you might be called upon by a client when you are away from the office. Mobile Office Products provides that capability.

Our team of engineers has designed and patented a revolutionary new product that will change the way you do business on the road. Our 10-lb. compact carrying case contains a notebook computer with built-in modem, a cellular phone, fax machine, and copier all in one! This new technology will allow you and your employees to have access to all the equipment you need, no matter where you are.

Enclosed is an informational packet and brochure for your review. I would like to arrange for a meeting so you can experience first-hand the power of this revolutionary new equipment. If you’d like a free trial for you and your staff, please let me know and I’ll make arrangements.


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